CBM ensures staff well-being and protection through pro-active measures during COVID-19

CBM Staff adhering  to Social Distancing  & Telecommuting

CBM Staff adhering  to Social Distancing  & Telecommuting

In view of the COVID-19 situation and to minimise the pandemic spread, CBM took precautionary steps to ensure that all work sites remained safe by implementing its Business Continuity Plans (BCP). At all our offices and work sites, mandatory procedures such as Temperature Screening, Safe Entry and Social Distancing were implemented expeditiously when the DORSON level changed to Orange in February 2020. Where possible, split teams’ arrangements were implemented to avoid large groups coming together.  HQ staff started to telecommute in order to minimise physical interactions. Virtual Meetings were held in place of physical ones and reporting/meal times were staggered as well. 

Photo Collage on Snacks and Gift Voucher for Site Staff.png

Furthermore, CBM took care of the welfare and well-being of its essential frontline staff by providing vital provisions such as Disposable and Reusable Mask, PPE, Thermometers, Hand Sanitizers and Face Shields, etc.

In addition, to show our appreciation for their work and help our field staff tide through this difficult period, we distributed supermarket vouchers to all of them on a monthly basis.


A Message from our CEO on COVID-19


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