A Message from our CEO on COVID-19


The current pandemic is notably one of the worst crises in the last 100 years. It has affected countless lives, and severely impacted economies globally. In Singapore, the government has projected that we may be facing the worst recession since our independence, citing negative growth of between 4 to 7%.

However, amidst all this negativity, the show must go on. CBM has since implemented our business contingency plans to safeguard our staff and their families, clients, business partners and the general public at all our offices and project sites. We have put in place procedures such as Split Team and Work-from-Home arrangements, Temperature Screening, Social Distancing and Safe Management measures to ensure that all our employees can continue to work safely. The necessary Personal Protection Equipment, sanitisers and thermometers were distributed to all staff who needs them. We even developed our very own web-based contact tracing system called “CBM Trace” to aid employees who do not have smartphones to download the national Trace Together App.

Ours is an essential service industry. In many ways, we are fortunate to be able to continue to do work thus, helping to preserve our workforce. Doing this means that our people are also more exposed to the pandemic. Hence, I would like to thank all our unsung heroes who continue to work silently on the “frontlines” so that we can continue to serve our clients during these difficult times.

Just as the government has been helpful with grants, we will do our part by preserving everyone’s job despite the negative impact on our businesses, and looking after our staff’s welfare. In recognition of their efforts, CBM has, since April, been issuing supermarket vouchers to all working staff to help them with some of their basic necessities, and will continue to do so during these trying times. Separately, we are also helping to provide free accommodation in Singapore for many of our Malaysian colleagues affected by the Movement Control Order. This situation has caused them to be away from their families for a prolonged period of time and I hope all of us can empathise with them and help them cope with this emotionally. For those still in Malaysia, we hope for them to be able to come back soon.     

Today, as the Circuit Breaker is gradually being lifted, it is inevitable that we see ourselves adjusting to the “new normal”. Ensuring a safe working environment is a must. Wearing masks and physical distancing in crowded places; not mingling in large groups; being committed to good personal hygiene and non-contact greetings, will be some of the measures we have to familiarise ourselves with for the next few months, perhaps even years.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to do your work diligently and professionally despite all the constraints during this period. It is vital that all of you stay safe and remain in good health and remain positive in times of such adversity.

We are in a storm of sorts. Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, let us learn to dance in the rain.”

The end of this crisis will come to pass. For those in leadership positions, it is important that we use this opportunity to reflect, re-calibrate and recreate ourselves to prepare for the way forward. This is a good time to send your staff for the training that they might need later on. Indeed, when we emerge from this, things will be different, not just in the way we work, but also in the way the industry will look. Let us overcome this together and emerge stronger than ever before when the time comes.

Warmest Regards,
Roy Chiang


NLB Appreciates CBM Cleaning Staff


CBM ensures staff well-being and protection through pro-active measures during COVID-19